LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)

IAnnRuler Interface Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by IAnnRuler.

Public Properties
DpiXGets or sets the horizontal DPI (dots per inch) that is used to translate the horizontal distance for the ruler.  
DpiYGets or sets the vertical DPI (dots per inch) that is used to translate the vertical distance for the ruler.  
GaugeLengthGets or sets the length of the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the ruler) for the ruler.  
IsRulerImplementedGets a value that indicates whether the annotation object's class implements the IAnnRuler interface.  
MeasurementUnitGets or sets a value that represents the unit of measure for this ruler.  
PrecisionGets or sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal point when displaying the length of the ruler.  
RestrictLengthGets or sets a value indicating whether the length text of this object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.  
ShowGaugeGets or sets a value indicating whether the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the ruler) for the ruler is visible.  
ShowLengthGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the length of the ruler.  
ShowTickMarksGets or sets a value indicating whether the tick marks for the ruler are visible.  
TickMarksLengthGets or sets the length of the tick marks for the ruler.  
UnitAbbreviationGets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation that corresponds to the MeasurementUnit property value.  
See Also


IAnnRuler Interface
Leadtools.Windows.Annotations Namespace



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