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#include "ltdic.h"

L_UINT32 LDicomNet::GetIndexForMutualAuthISCL()

Gets the current index of the mutual authentication key to be used during the mutual authentication process. This function is available in the PACS Imaging toolkits.


The index for the key used for mutual authentication. This value must be between 1 and 8, inclusively, where 1 represents the first key in the array.


This function gets the index of the actual key used for mutual authentication operations. This index can be between 1 and 8, inclusively.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application


Win32, x64

See Also


LDicomNet::SetIndexForMutualAuthISCL, LDicomNet::SetMutualAuthKeyISCL, LDicomNet::SetDefaultSigningISCL, LDicomNet::SetDefaultEncryptionISCL, LDicomNet::SetAuthDataISCL, LDicomNet::SetMaxCommBlockLengthISCL, LDicomNet::SetMaxMessageLengthISCL, LDicomNet::SetMutualAuthAlgISCL, LDicomNet::SetEncryptKeyISCL, LDicomNet::SetIndexForEncryptISCL, Class Members


Adding Security to a DICOM Connection


General Integrated Secure Communication Layer (ISCL) Information


For an example, refer to LDicomNet::GetErrorSecure.

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