Development Seat Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Can I install LEADTOOLS on my work computer and my laptop without purchasing 2 licenses?

A. Yes, as long as you are the only developer using these computers, you are not required to purchase 2 licenses.

Q. I am the only developer using LEADTOOLS, although we must install LEADTOOLS on all development team machines for build purposes. Do we have to purchase a license for each machine?

A. The license allows you to install LEADTOOLS on your machine for programming and also to install LEADTOOLS on up to 2 additional machines for build purposes, provided no developers other than you are programming with LEADTOOLS installed on the build machines.  Licenses for additional build machines, if necessary, are available at a discount. Please contact for more information.

Q. Can multiple developers use the same copy of LEADTOOLS as long as they are not using it at the same time?

A. No, a developer license is not a concurrent or floating license.  It is personal to the registered developer.  If an employee leaves the company, the development seat can be transferred to the new employee, but different developers are not permitted to share the same development license. To transfer the registered user, please contact your LEAD sales representative.

Q. If I am the only developer in my group using LEADTOOLS, and I make a DLL, class or web service that is then used by my colleagues, do they have to have LEADTOOLS SDK licenses also?

A. You are not permitted to develop a .DLL or other product that software developers use. A special license is required for using LEADTOOLS in a developer oriented product. The special license would normally require a fee for each programmer using the developer oriented application you develop.

Q. Can I use my version 16 and let my colleague use my upgrade to version 19?

A. No, an upgrade is personal to the person who is registered to use the product that was upgraded.

Q. Can I permanently assign my development license to another company?

A. You may permanently assign a development license provided you obtain LEAD's prior written consent. The assignee may only use the development seat for maintaining the application that you have developed. The assignee may not develop a new project if you have already developed an application. Contact LEAD to obtain the necessary assignment forms if you are wishing to assign your development license.  Once you have assigned the license, you must delete the software and no longer use it.

Q. Is maintenance required for development licenses?

A. No, maintenance is not required.  However, the cost of annual maintenance is less than the cost of upgrading to a new version of LEADTOOLS. LEAD typically releases chargeable upgrades every 6-8 months.

Q. Can I purchase the development seats and add maintenance later?

A. Yes, you can add maintenance to the currently shipping LEADTOOLS version after purchase.  When maintenance is purchased after the fact, the maintenance start date will begin on the original purchase date of the current SDK license.

Q. I want to purchase an SDK with an add-on.  Do I purchase maintenance on just the SDK?

A. No, maintenance is required for the SDK and any associated add-ons.

Q. I have three development seats.  Can I purchase maintenance for just one seat?

A. Typically no, maintenance is required for all seats.  One exception to this is if you are listed as a LEADTOOLS 3rd party developer\consultant and each license is specific to a client.  In that case, one of your clients may opt to have maintenance added to their specific development seat. If the three development seats are tied to the same application or project, then all three would need to be covered by maintenance.

Q. I am a college student working on a research project. Can I get a free copy?

A. We suggest that you use our evaluation version.  We have the ability to provide an extension of the evaluation.  If that is not satisfactory, please contact our sales department and we will try to work something out.

Q. I am a college professor working on a research grant - do you offer any discounts?

A. We can provide a 20% discount on the development seat  license for college professors working on research projects.

Q. Do you offer any discounts for Non-Profit organizations?

A. Non-profit organizations may quality for a development seat license discount. Documentation is required. Contact LEAD sales for details.

Q. I would like to replace my current SDK with LEADTOOLS. Do you offer a competitive upgrade discount?

A. Customers upgrading from a competitor's SDK may receive a substantial discount depending on the licensing opportunity. Documentation is required.  Please contact LEAD sales to discuss your project.

Q. I used LEADTOOLS with my previous employer - do I qualify for an existing customer discount?

A. Yes, a 20% loyalty  discount can be applied for development seat licenses. You will need to provide some proof of previous purchase (such as a serial number) or we may be able to verify you if you registered while at the previous employer.  We appreciate your business.

For more information, refer to:

About Development Licenses

Single End User Application License Examples

LEADTOOLS Standard End-User Software License Agreement (EULA)

OEM License Frequently Asked Questions

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