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typedef struct tagBALANCEDATA
   L_UINT uStructSize;
   L_INT nRed;
   L_INT nGreen;
   L_INT nBlue;

The BALANCEDATA structure provides the balance tone information used in L_ColorIntensityBalance function.




Size of the structure. Should be set to sizeof(BALANCEDATA).


Value to be used for adjusting or balancing the red channel. Valid values range from ©100 to 100. Values > 0 increase the red component. Values < 0 decrease the red component. Using 0 leaves the red component unchanged.


Value to be used for adjusting or balancing the Green channel. Valid values range from ©100 to 100. Values > 0 increase the green component value. Values < 0 decrease the green component value. Using 0 leaves the green component unchanged.


Value to be used for adjusting or balancing the blue channel. Valid values range from ©100 to 100. Values > 0 increase the blue component value. Values < 0 decrease the blue component value. Using 0 leaves the blue component unchanged.

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