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typedef enum
   L_JP2B_RESOLUTION         = 1,
   L_JP2B_IPR                = 2,
   L_JP2B_XML                = 3,
   L_JP2B_UUID               = 4,
   L_JP2B_UUID_INFO          = 5,
   L_JPXB_RESOLUTION         = 11,
   L_JPXB_IPR                = 12,
   L_JPXB_XML                = 13,
   L_JPXB_UUID               = 14,
   L_JPXB_UUID_INFO          = 15,
   L_JPXB_MPEG7              = 16,
   L_JPXB_FREE               = 17,
   L_JPXB_BINARYFILTER       = 18,
   L_JPXB_GTSO               = 19,
   L_JPXB_COMPOSITION        = 20,
   L_JPXB_ASSOCIATION        = 22,
   L_JPXB_MEDIADATA          = 23,

The eJP2BOXTYPE enumeration is used with the L_Jp2SetBoxes, L_Jp2GetBoxes, L_Jp2FreeBoxes, L_Jp2ReadBox, L_Jp2AppendBoxes, L_Jp2ReadBoxMemory, and L_Jp2AppendBoxesMemory functions to specify the JPEG 2000 box type.

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