LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging C DLL Help > LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Features > Loading and Saving Images > Used Structures > FILETXTOPTIONS |
typedef struct _FILETXTOPTIONS
L_UINT uStructSize;
L_BOOL bEnabled;
L_COLORREF crFontColor;
L_COLORREF crHighlight;
L_INT nFontSize;
L_BOOL bBold;
L_BOOL bItalic;
L_BOOL bUnderLine;
L_BOOL bStrikeThrough;
L_BOOL bUseSystemLocale;
L_COLORREF crBackColor;
The FILETXTOPTIONS structure provides information on loading TXT files in LEADTOOLS.
Member |
Description |
uStructSize |
Size of the structure. This must be set before passing this structure to the LEAD functions. Use the sizeof(FILETXTOPTIONS) macro to calculate this value. |
bEnabled |
Flag that indicates whether to call the filter. |
Value |
Meaning |
Call the filter. |
Don't call the filter. |
crFontColor |
The font color. |
crHighlight |
The high light color. Highlight is the color used as background for the text paragraphs found in the file. If you do not want to show the highlight color, set its value to the same as crFontColor or crBackColor. |
crBackColor |
The background color. Background is the color used to fill the result image before rending the text on top of it. |
nFontSize |
The font size in points. |
szFaceName |
Character string that contains the text font face name. |
bBold |
Flag that indicates whether to display the text as bold. |
Value |
Meaning |
Displays the text as bold. |
Displays the text as not bold. |
bItalic |
Flag that indicates whether to display the text as italic. |
Value |
Meaning |
Displays the text as italic. |
Displays the text as not italic. |
bUnderLine |
Flag that indicates whether to display the text underlined. |
Value |
Meaning |
Displays the text underlined. |
Displays the text as not underlined. |
bStrikeThrough |
Flag that indicates whether to display the text with a strikethrough. |
Value |
Meaning |
Displays the text with a strikethrough. |
Displays the text without a strikethrough. |
bUseSystemLocale |
Flag that indicates whether to use the system's current locale setting when loading TEXT files. |
Value |
Meaning |
System's current locale setting will be used. The toolkit will use the local code page used when loading the TEXT files. For more information about code pages and locale setting, refer the Windows SDK documentation. |
ANSI encoding will be used. This is the default value. |
pFILETXTOPTIONS is a pointer to a FILETXTOPTIONS structure.
Text files have no physical width or height in pixels. You can use RASTERIZEDOCOPTIONS to control how the final document is rendered as a raster image. For more information, refer to RASTERIZEDOCOPTIONS.
The following functions make use of this structure: