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LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging C DLL Help

Hot Spot Tool

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(Document and Medical Imaging toolkits)

The hot spot annotation object is a rectangle that can be activated for an application-defined purpose. In design mode, the rectangle contains a scaled image. Click and drag to specify the rectangle. Holding down the Shift key while drawing the hotspot will make the hotspot annotation square. In run mode, the object is transparent, but the mouse pointer changes to a hand when it is over the object. Clicking on the hot spot sends a WM_LTANNEVENT message that indicates an activation event. Code can be added to process the event. (The example program merely pops up a message box.)

In design mode, click on the object with the right mouse button to do the following:

For information on flipping, reversing or rotating annotation objects, refer to Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects.

For low-level implementation details, refer to Hot Spot Annotation Object.

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