LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging C DLL Help > LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Features > Virtual Printer Driver > Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) with the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer |
Take the following steps to create and run a program that uses the LEADTOOLS Network Virtual Printer Driver as an IPP printer.
1. |
Start Visual Studio 2008. |
2. |
From the main menu, choose File->New->Project... |
3. |
In the New Project dialog box, choose Visual C++ in the Project Types drop-down list box, and choose MFC Application in the Templates. |
4. |
Type the project name as “LEADTOOLS IPP Demo” in the Project Name field. |
5. |
In the Location field, use the Browse button to navigate to the Examples subdirectory (such as <LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples\CDLL\). Clear the Create Directory For Solution and Add to Source Control check boxes. Click OK. |
6. |
Click Next> in the MFC Application Wizard. |
7. |
Select dialog based application type. Then click Finish. Three folders will be created, entitled: "Header Files", "Resource Files", and "Source Files". |
8. |
From the main menu, choose Project->Properties. |
9. |
In the Properties dialog box, choose Configuration Properties then select C/C++ then select Preprocessor. |
10. |
On the right side set the Preprocessor Definitions Property to use LTVXX_CONFIG then click OK. |
11. |
In Solution Explorer, open stdafx.h, and add the following code to the end of the file: |
#include "winspool.h"
#include "..\..\..\Include\Ltprinter.h"
12. |
In the Source Files, right -click the folder. Choose Add->New Item. Choose Code in Categories, and C++ File (.cpp) in Templates. Type Imports in the name field and click Add. |
13. |
Right-click Imports.cpp and click Open. Add the following code: |
#include "stdafx.h"
#if defined(WIN64)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\x64\\Ltkrn_x.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\x64\\Ltprinter_x.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\x64\\LtDocWrt_x.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\x64\\Ltfil_x.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\x64\\Ltdis_x.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\Win32\\Ltkrn_u.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\win32\\Ltprinter_u.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\win32\\LtDocWrt_u.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\win32\\Ltfil_u.lib)
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\Lib"L_VER_DESIGNATOR\\CDLLVC10\\win32\\Ltdis_u.lib)
#endif // #if defined(WIN64)
14. |
Right-click LEADTOOLS IPP DemoDlg.h and click Open. Add the following function definitions to the CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg class: |
afx_msg void OnBnClickedOk();
L_L_INT EnableInternetPrinting(); L_VOID RegisterJobCallBack(); L_VOID RegisterEmfCallBack();
L_INT InstallPrinter();
BOOL SharePrinter(LPTSTR szPrinterName, LPTSTR szShareName, BOOL bShare);
15. |
Right-click LEADTOOLS IPP DemoDlg.cpp and click Open. Add the following function: |
//Locate BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg, CDialog) and add the following functions
//Add the following function implementations
void CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg::OnBnClickedOk() { InstallPrinter(); EnableInternetPrinting(); RegisterEmfCallBack(); RegisterJobCallBack(); } L_INT CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg::InstallPrinter () { PRNPRINTERINFO docPrinterInfo; memset(&docPrinterInfo, 0, sizeof(PRNPRINTERINFO)); docPrinterInfo.uStructSize = sizeof(PRNPRINTERINFO); docPrinterInfo.pszRootDir = TEXT("C:\\LEADTOOLS 18\\Bin\\Common\\PrinterDriver"); docPrinterInfo.pszPrinterName = TEXT("TestPrinter"); docPrinterInfo.pszPortName = TEXT("TestPrinter"); docPrinterInfo.pszMonitorName = TEXT("TestPrinter"); docPrinterInfo.pszDriverName = TEXT("TestPrinter"); docPrinterInfo.pszProductName = TEXT("TestPrinter"); docPrinterInfo.pszRegistryKey = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Printer\\TestPrinter"); docPrinterInfo.pszUrl = TEXT("/default.htm"); #if defined(WIN64) docPrinterInfo.pszPrinterExe = TEXT("C:\\LEADTOOLS 18\\Bin\\CDLLVC10\\x64\\LEADTOOLS IPP Demo.exe")
docPrinterInfo.pszPrinterExe = TEXT("C:\\LEADTOOLS 18\\Bin\\CDLLVC10\\Win32\\LEADTOOLS IPP Demo.exe"); #endif // #if defined(WIN64) docPrinterInfo.pszAboutString = TEXT("LEADTOOLSPriner"); docPrinterInfo.pszAboutIcon = TEXT("c:\\LEADTOOLSPriner.ico"); L_INT nRet = L_PrnInstallPrinter(&docPrinterInfo, 0);
SharePrinter(TEXT("TestPrinter"), TEXT("TestPrinter"), TRUE); return nRet;
} BOOL CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg::SharePrinter( LPTSTR szPrinterName, LPTSTR szShareName, BOOL bShare ) { HANDLE hPrinter; PRINTER_DEFAULTS pd; DWORD dwNeeded; PRINTER_INFO_2 *pi2;
ZeroMemory( &pd, sizeof(PRINTER_DEFAULTS) ); pd.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS; if( ! OpenPrinter( szPrinterName, &hPrinter, &pd ) ) { return FALSE; } if( ! GetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded ) ) { if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { // GetPrinter() has failed - bail out. ClosePrinter( hPrinter ); return FALSE; }
} pi2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2*)malloc( dwNeeded ); if( pi2 == NULL )
ClosePrinter( hPrinter ); return FALSE; }
if( ! GetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pi2, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded ) )
{ free( pi2 ); ClosePrinter( hPrinter ); return FALS
pi2->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; if( bShare )
{ pi2->pShareName = szShareName; pi2->Attributes |= PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED; } else { pi2->Attributes = pi2->Attributes & (~PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED);
} if( ! SetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pi2, 0 ) )
// SetPrinter() has failed - bail out
free( pi2 ); ClosePrinter( hPrinter ); return FALSE; }
// Clean up.
free( pi2 ); ClosePrinter( hPrinter );
return TRUE;
L_INT CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg::EnableInternetPrinting()
// Enable Network Printing L_INT nRet = L_PrnSetEnableNetworkPrinting(TEXT("TestPrinter"), TRUE); // Enable Internet Printin
nRet = L_PrnSetEnableInternetPrinting(TEXT("TestPrinter"), TRUE);
return nRet;
void CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg::RegisterEmfCallBack()
} void CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg::RegisterJobCallBack()
L_PrnRegisterJobCallback(TEXT("TestPrinter"),OnJobInfoProc,this); }
L_INT CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg::OnEmfRgsProc( L_WCHAR * /*pszPrinter*/, HGLOBAL hMem
L_UINT uSize, L_VOID * pData
static L_INT nCounter = 0;
DWORD uSizeWritten = 0;
L_UCHAR * pEmfData= (L_UCHAR*) GlobalLock( hMem );
CString szFileName = TEXT("c:\\1.emf");
if( pEmfData
WriteFile( hFile, pEmfData, uSize, & uSizeWritten, NULL );
CloseHandle( hFile );
GlobalUnlock( hMem );
// Do not forget to free the memory.
GlobalFree( hMem );
return 1;
} L_INT CLEADTOOLSIPPDemoDlg::OnJobInfoProc( L_WCHAR * pszPrinter, DWORD dwJobID, DWORD dwFlags, L_VOID * pData )
switch( dwFlags )
//Job was started
CStringA str
str.Format("Job ID: %d", dwJobID);
MessageBoxA(NULL, str.LockBuffer(), "IPP Test Demo", 0);
case PRN_JOB_END: //Job was ended
return 1;
16. |
Compile and run the code to test it. Click OK in the dialog to install a new printer then enable internet printing, and connect to it from a client machine, Try to print on the newly created printer to receive EMF and Job callback events. |
Note1: to Configure Internet printing on a computer running Windows Server 2008, perform the following steps:
1- Run the Server Manger.
2- Select Add Roles.
3- Select the following roles:
- Print and Document Services.
- Web Server (IIS).
4- In the Role Services list, select the following services:
- Print Server.
- Internet Printing.
5- Complete the Installation.
Note2: To install the printer driver on a client computer, perform the following steps:
1- Open SERVER_IP/printers in Internet Explorer:
2- Select the Installed Test Printer Name “Test Printer” and click it. The selected printer page opens.
3- Click the Connect link.
4- Complete the Installation.