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#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTANN_API L_INT L_AnnCreate(uObjectType, phObject)

L_UINT uObjectType;

/* type of annotation object to create */


/* address of the variable to be updated */

Creates an annotation object of the specified type.




The type of annotation object to create. For descriptions of object types, refer to Types of Annotations.


Address of the variable to be updated with the handle to the new annotation object.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


(Document and Medical) Before calling this function, you must declare a variable of data type HANNOBJECT. Then, pass the address of the variable in the phObject parameter. This function will update the variable with the handle of the new annotation object.

You must use the L_AnnSet... functions to initialize the object after it is created.

You should not call this function during processing of WM_LTANNEVENT if wParam equals LTANNEVENT_REMOVE or LTANNEVENT_INSERT, or during the ANNENUMCALLBACK callback function

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

See Also


L_AnnCreateContainer, L_AnnCreateItem,


L_AnnDefine, L_AnnInsert, L_AnnRemove,


L_AnnDestroy, L_AnnAddUserHandle, L_AnnAdjustPoint, L_AnnChangeUserHandle, L_AnnConvert, L_AnnDefine2, L_AnnDeleteUserHandle, L_AnnEnumerateHandles, L_AnnGetRestrictToContainer, L_AnnGetRotateAngle, L_AnnGetUserHandle, L_AnnGetUserHandles, L_AnnHitTest, L_AnnRestrictCursor, L_AnnSetRestrictToContainer


Annotation Functions: Creating and Deleting Annotations


Implementing Annotations


Annotation Objects - Default Values


Annotation Objects - Automated Features


Types of Annotations


Implementing an Automated Annotation Program


Implementing a Non-automated Annotation Program


Implementing Custom Annotations


For complete sample code, refer to the ANNOTATE example. This example creates a line object, inserts it into the existing container, and displays the line. This function must be called AFTER a container has been created. For example, after TestCreateAnn in Implementing a Non-automated Annotation Program.

 L_INT AnnCreateExample(HWND           hWnd,
                                       HANNOBJECT     hContainer,/* Container annotation object */
                                       HANNOBJECT     MyLine)    /* Line annotation object */
   L_INT nRet;
   HDC         hWindowDC;  /* Device context of the current window */
   ANNRECT     ContainerRect;
   ANNRECT     ContainerRectName;
   ANNPOINT    MyLinePts[2];
   pANNPOINT   pMyLinePts = MyLinePts;
   RECT        rAnnBounds;
   RECT        rAnnBoundsName;

   /* Get the device context of the current window */
   hWindowDC = GetDC (hWnd);
   /* Create the Line Annotation and insert it into the container */
   nRet = L_AnnCreate(ANNOBJECT_LINE, &MyLine);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet = L_AnnInsert(hContainer, MyLine, FALSE);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet = L_AnnSetVisible(MyLine, TRUE, 0, NULL);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   /* Get the container rectangle to use for positioning the line */
   nRet = L_AnnGetRect(hContainer, &ContainerRect, &ContainerRectName);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   /* Position the line */
   pMyLinePts[0].x = 0;
   pMyLinePts[0].y = 0;
   pMyLinePts[1].x = ContainerRect.right / 2;
   pMyLinePts[1].y = ContainerRect.bottom / 2;
   nRet = L_AnnSetPoints(MyLine, pMyLinePts, 2);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   /* Display the line */
   nRet = L_AnnGetBoundingRect(MyLine, &rAnnBounds, &rAnnBoundsName);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet = L_AnnDraw(hWindowDC, &rAnnBounds, MyLine);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   /* Remove the queued paint message */
   ValidateRect(hWnd, &rAnnBounds);
   ReleaseDC(hWnd, hWindowDC);
   return SUCCESS;
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