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#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTANN_API L_INT L_AnnGetScalarX(hObject, pdScalarX)


/* handle to the annotation object */

L_DOUBLE *pdScalarX;

/* address of the variable to be updated */

Gets the horizontal scaling factor that is applied to the annotation object. Typically, the scaling factors are applied to a root container so that the annotations will match the displayed image.




Handle to the annotation object.


Address of the variable to be updated with the horizontal scaling factor.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Offset values, which are set by the L_AnnSetOffsetX and L_AnnSetOffsetY functions, are applied after the scalar properties. For more information, refer to Low-Level Coordinate System for Annotations.

Before calling this function, you must declare a variable of data type L_DOUBLE. Then, pass the address of the variable in the pdScalarX parameter. This function will update the variable with the horizontal scaling factor.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

See Also


L_AnnSetScalarX, L_AnnSetScalarY, L_AnnGetScalarY, L_AnnSetOffsetX, L_AnnSetOffsetY, L_AnnGetOffsetX, L_AnnGetOffsetY, L_AnnGetFixed, L_AnnSetFixed, L_AnnPushFixedState, L_AnnPopFixedState, L_AnnIsFixedInRect, L_AnnCalibrateRuler, L_AnnCalibrateRulerSuccessive


Annotation Functions: Getting and Setting Geometric Properties


Low-Level Coordinate System for Annotations


Implementing an Automated Annotation Program


Implementing a Non-automated Annotation Program


Fixed Annotations


Minimizing Flicker with Double Buffering


Obtaining Annotation Object Information


This example displays the current annotation scalars as percentages.

 L_INT AnnGetScalarXExample(HANNOBJECT hContainer)/* Container annotation object */
   L_INT nRet;
   L_INT       XPercent, YPercent;  /* X and Y scale percentage */
   L_DOUBLE    XScalar, YScalar;    /* X and Y floating point scalars */
   L_TCHAR     szMessage[80];       /* Message buffer */

   /* Get the floating point scalars */
   nRet = L_AnnGetScalarX(hContainer, &XScalar);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet = L_AnnGetScalarY(hContainer, &YScalar);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   /* Convert the scalars to percentages */
   XPercent = (L_INT)(XScalar * 100);
   YPercent = (L_INT)(YScalar * 100);
   /* Display the percentages in a message */
   wsprintf (szMessage, TEXT("%d percent X and %d percent Y"), XPercent, YPercent);
   MessageBox (NULL, szMessage, TEXT("Notice"), MB_OK);
   return SUCCESS;
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