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typedef struct _tagL_JP2_INSTSET_BOX
   L_UINT32         uStructSize;
   L_UINT16         uItyp;
   L_UINT16         uRept;
   L_UINT32         uTick;
   L_UINT32         uNumOfInst;
   pL_JP2_INSTPARAM pInstParam;

The L_JP2_INSTSET_BOX structure provides information for Instruction Set box.




Size of this structure, in bytes. Use the sizeof operator to calculate this value.


Instruction type. This field specifies the type of instruction, and thus which instruction parameters shall be found within this Composition Instruction box. The meaning of each bit in the flag is as follows:



0000 0000 0000 0000

No instructions are present, and thus no instructions are defined for the compositing layers in the file.

xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx1

Each instruction contains XO and YO parameters.

xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1x

Each instruction contains the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters.

xxxx xxxx xxxx x1xx

Each instruction contains the LIFE, N and PERSIST animation parameters.

xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx

Each instruction defines the crop parameters XC, YC, WC, and HC.


All other values reserved.


Repetition. This field specifies the number of times to repeat this particular set of instructions.


Duration of timer tick. This field specifies the duration of the timer tick (used by the LIFE instruction parameter) in milliseconds.


Number of Instruction parameters.


Array of Instruction parameters specifies a series of instruction parameters for a single instruction. The size of this array shall be uNumOfInst.


An Instruction Set box contains a set of rendering instructions, each represented through a series of composition parameters. This box is defined in JPX and above file formats.

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