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   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_INT nStartIndex; 
   L_INT nItemsToExport; 

The LILEXPORTBITMAPLIST structure contains information about the list of bitmaps to be exported from an ImageList control.




Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate this value.


Handle to the bitmap list to be updated by the exported bitmaps.


If you passed NULL into this member to L_ILM_EXPORTBITMAPLIST message, it will be created internally and is going to contain all the exported bitmaps.


Index of the first bitmap in the ImageList control to be exported.


Number of bitmaps to be exported starting from nStartIndex.

Note: (nStartIndex + nItemsToInsert) should not exceed number of items in the ImageList Control.


This structure is used by the L_ILM_EXPORTBITMAPLIST message.

After calling L_ILM_EXPORTBITMAPLIST message and exporting the list of bitmaps successfully from the ImageList control, don©t try to free the bitmaps of the exported list hList, since it is going to have a reference to the original bitmaps not a copy of them.

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