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Loading and Pasting Automated Annotations

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There are two examples for loading annotations and copying annotations from the clipboard in an automated annotation program.

1. In the Annotate example, when annotations are loaded from a file, or pasted from the clipboard, a child window is created. If annotation data is present, that data becomes the container for the child window and the window handle is set for the container. An automation object is then created and associated with the container. This allows full automated interaction with the newly added annotations. For more information on this, refer to ANNOTATE.C in the Annotate example.

2. In the documentation, the test functions in the sample code are designed to work with the tutorials Implementing an Automated Annotation Program and Using Automated Annotations in Run Mode. In the test functions for L_AnnLoad, L_AnnLoadMemory, L_AnnLoadOffset, and L_AnnClipboardReady, a local HANNOBJECT variable (TmpContainer) is updated with the handle of the incoming annotations. This HANNOBJECT is then inserted into hContainer, the root container. Since hContainer already has a window handle set and an automation object associated with it, full automated interaction with the newly added annotations is provided.

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