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REDIRECTREAD Callback Function

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#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_UINT pEXT_CALLBACK YourRead(nFd, pBuf, uCount, pUserData)


/* file handle */

L_UCHAR* pBuf;

/* address of buffer for read data */

L_UINT uCount;

/* length of data buffer */

L_VOID* pUserData;

/* pointer to additional parameters */

Replaces the normal LEADTOOLS function for reading a file.




Identifies the file to be read. The file handle is returned by the REDIRECTOPEN callback function.


Points to a buffer that is to receive the data read from the file.


Specifies the number of bytes to be read from the file.


A void pointer that you can use to access a variable or structure containing data that your callback function needs. This gives you a way to receive data indirectly from the function that uses this callback function. (This is the same pointer that you pass in the pUserData parameter of the calling function.)


Keep in mind that this is a void pointer, which must be cast to the appropriate data type within your callback function.



The number of bytes that the function read from the file.


The function failed.


For information about using this type of callback, refer to L_RedirectIO.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application


To see how the following function is defined and called, refer to L_RedirectIO. This procedure is a replacement to the built in read procedure. It reads the data from the allocated memory and adjusts the internal data.

/************************** Global Declarations **********************************/

typedef struct tagUSERDATA
   L_INT32 dwSize; /* Size of the buffer. */
   L_INT32 dwUsed; /* Number of bytes used. */
   L_CHAR *pData; /* Pointer to the buffer. */
   L_CHAR *pCurData; /* Current pointer location. */

static USERDATA UserData;
 /* Pointer to DATA structure */


L_UINT  WindowsRead (L_INT FD, L_CHAR  * pBuf, L_UINT uCount)

   /* Is the request for more data than is left in memory? /
   if (uCount + UserData.pCurData > UserData.pData + UserData.dwSize)
      uCount = (L_UINT) (UserData.dwSize - UserData.dwUsed);   / adjust request */

   /* Copy data to the buffer of the caller. */
   _fmemcpy (pBuf, UserData.pCurData, uCount);

   /* Adjust internal data. */
   UserData.pCurData += uCount;
   UserData.dwUsed += uCount;
   return (uCount);
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