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Raster Imaging Tutorials

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Implementing an Automated Annotation Program

Using Automated Annotations in Run Mode

Implementing a Non-automated Annotations Program

Using Non-automated Annotations in Run Mode

Using Annotation Bitmap Objects

Using Rulers in Annotation Objects

Updating Old Code to Use the New Palette Mechanism

Using the UNICODE version of LEADTOOLS in a non-UNICODE Application


Print a Real Image Size in Inches

Printing a Single-Page Image with LEADTOOLS

Using TWAIN to Scan Images

Programming with the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Driver


Combining Images with Regions

Splitting a Multi-page TIFF File

Converting Multi-page Images

Converting Multi-page Images Using the LEADTOOLS GUI

Using Color Values in LEADTOOLS

Using LEADTOOLS with Your C/C++ Compiler


Using the ImageList Control

Implementing Scrollbars

Using the Magnifying Glass

Using a PanWindow

Using the Zoom View

Zooming in on a Selection

Getting Started with the LEADTOOLS Linux Libraries and Demo Projects

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