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typedef enum _VECTORVIEWMODE

The VECTORVIEWMODE enumeration specifies the view mode to be used when loading a vector file.




Fit the drawing into viewport (physical size up to which the drawing can be rendered)  width and height set by user or the default one. Final image size is less than or equal to viewport size.


Use both the width and the height (stretch the image if necessary). The final image size has the same width and height as the current viewport size.


Use the current viewport width. Calculate the new height, preserving the aspect ratio. The final image size has the same width as the current viewport width, with the height less than or equal to the current viewport height.


Use the current viewport height. Calculate the new width, preserving the aspect ratio. Final image size has the same height as the current viewport height, with the width less than or equal to the current viewport width.


The VECTORVIEWMODE enumeration is used by the following structure:

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