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typedef enum tagANNCHANGETYPE
   ANNCHANGE_TAG                             = 1, // Tag LAnnotation::SetTag
   ANNCHANGE_VISIBLE                         = 2, // Visible LAnnotation::SetVisible
   ANNCHANGE_SELECTED                        = 3, // Selected LAnnotation::SetSelected
   ANNCHANGE_FONT_BOLD                       = 4, // Font bold LAnnotation::SetFontBold
   ANNCHANGE_FONT_ITALIC                     = 5, // Font italic LAnnotation::SetFontItalic
   ANNCHANGE_FONT_STRIKETHROUGH              = 6, // Font strike-through LAnnotation::SetFontStrikeThrough
   ANNCHANGE_FONT_UNDERLINE                  = 7, // Font underline LAnnotation::SetFontUnderline
   ANNCHANGE_LINEWIDTH                       = 8, // Line width LAnnAutomation::SetLineWidth
   ANNCHANGE_LINESTYLE                       = 9, // Line style LAnnAutomation::SetLineStyle
   ANNCHANGE_FILLPATTERN                     = 10, // Fill pattern LAnnAutomation::SetFillPattern
   ANNCHANGE_FILLMODE                        = 11, // Fill mode LAnnotation::SetFillMode
   ANNCHANGE_POLYFILLMODE                    = 12, // Poly fill mode LAnnAutomation::SetPolyFillMode
   ANNCHANGE_FONT_SIZE                       = 13, // Font size LAnnotation::SetFontSize
   ANNCHANGE_FORECOLOR                       = 14, // Foreground color LAnnotation::SetForeColor
   ANNCHANGE_BACKCOLOR                       = 15, // Background color LAnnotation::SetBackColor
   ANNCHANGE_TRANSPARENT_COLOR               = 16, // Transparent color LAnnAutomation::SetTransparentColor
   ANNCHANGE_TRANSPARENT                     = 17, // Transparent LAnnAutomation::SetTransparent
   ANNCHANGE_FONT_NAME                       = 18, // Font name LAnnotation::SetFontName
   ANNCHANGE_TEXT                            = 19, // Text LAnnAutomation::SetText
   ANNCHANGE_ROP2                            = 20, // ROP2 code LAnnotation::SetROP2
   ANNCHANGE_BITMAP                          = 21, // Bitmap LAnnContainer::SetBitmap
   ANNCHANGE_BITMAP2                         = 22, // Secondary bitmap LAnnPushPin::SetSecondaryBitmap
   ANNCHANGE_METAFILE                        = 23, // Metafile LAnnStamp::SetMetafile
   ANNCHANGE_METAFILE2                       = 24, // Decrypt metafile LAnnStamp::SetMetafile
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_FORECOLOR                  = 30, // Name foreground color LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_BACKCOLOR                  = 31, // Name background color LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_SHOWNAME                   = 32, // Name--show name LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_OFFSET                     = 33, // Name offset LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_RESTRICT                   = 34, // Name restrict LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_BACKTRANSPARENT            = 35, // Name background transparent LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_TEXT                       = 36, // Name text LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_FONT_NAME                  = 37, // Name--font name LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_FONT_BOLD                  = 38, // Name--font bold LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_FONT_ITALIC                = 39, // Name--font italic LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_FONT_STRIKEOUT             = 40, // Name--font strikethrough LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_FONT_UNDERLINE             = 41, // Name--font underline LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_NAME_FONT_SIZE                  = 42, // Name--font size LAnnotation::SetNameOptions
   ANNCHANGE_POINT_USE_BITMAP                = 50, // Point--use bitmap LAnnPoint::SetPointOptions
   ANNCHANGE_POINT_RADIUS                    = 51, // Point--radius in pixels LAnnPoint::SetPointOptions
   ANNCHANGE_POINT_BORDER_COLOR              = 52, // Point--border color LAnnPoint::SetPointOptions
   ANNCHANGE_POINT_FILL_COLOR                = 53, // Point--fill color LAnnPoint::SetPointOptions
   ANNCHANGE_POINT_TRANSPARENT_FILL          = 54, // Point--transparent fill LAnnPoint::SetPointOptions
   ANNCHANGE_POINT_FIXED_SIZE                = 55, // Point--fixed size LAnnPoint::SetPointOptions
   ANNCHANGE_SHOW_DEFAULT_HANDLES            = 60, // Show default handles LAnnAutomation::SetNodes
   ANNCHANGE_GAP_DEFAULT_HANDLES             = 61, // Handle gap LAnnAutomation::SetNodes
   ANNCHANGE_HYPERLINK                       = 62, // Hyperlink options LAnnotation::SetHyperlink

// Ruler changes
   ANNCHANGE_GAUGELENGTH                     = 70, // Gauge length LAnnAutomation::SetGaugeLength
   ANNCHANGE_TICMARKLENGTH                   = 71, // TicMark Length LAnnAutomation::SetTicMarkLength
   ANNCHANGE_BITMAP_DPI_X                    = 72, // Bitmap DPI -- horizontal LAnnAutomation::SetBitmapDpiX
   ANNCHANGE_BITMAP_DPI_Y                    = 73, // Bitmap DPI -- vertical LAnnAutomation::SetBitmapDpiY
   ANNCHANGE_RULER_UNIT                      = 74, // Ruler unit, abreviation, precision LAnnAutomation::SetUnit
   ANNCHANGE_RULER_SHOW_FLAGS                = 75, // Ruler show flags LAnnAutomation::SetShowFlags
   ANNCHANGE_PROTRACTOR                      = 76, // Protractor options LAnnProtractor::SetProtractorOptions

   ANNCHANGE_ENCRYPTOR_TYPE                  = 80, // Encryptor type LAnnEncrypt::SetEncryptOptions
   ANNCHANGE_ENCRYPTOR_KEY                   = 81, // Encryptor key LAnnEncrypt::SetEncryptOptions
   ANNCHANGE_ENCRYPTOR_NEVER_ENCRYPTED       = 82, // Indicates if never encrypted LAnnEncrypt::SetEncryptOptions
   ANNCHANGE_ENCRYPTOR_BITMAP                = 83, // Bitmap to be encrypted LAnnEncrypt::SetEncryptOptions
   ANNCHANGE_ENCRYPTOR_SAVE_ENCRYPTOR_KEY    = 84, // Save Encryptor Key LAnnAutomation::SetEncryptOptions
   ANNCHANGE_DECRYPTOR_SAVE_DECRYPTOR_KEY    = 85, // Save Decryptor Key LAnnAutomation::SetEncryptOptions
   ANNCHANGE_MOVE                            = 90, // Object is moving
   ANNCHANGE_MOVE_POINT                      = 91, // Point on object is moving
   ANNCHANGE_RESIZE                          = 92, // Object resized
   ANNCHANGE_ROTATE                          = 93, // Object rotated
   ANNCHANGE_RESIZE_ROTATE                   = 94, // Object is being resized and rotated
   ANNCHANGE_UNDO                            = 100, // Annotation undo LAnnAutomation::Undo
   ANNCHANGE_CUT                             = 101, // Annotation cut to clipboard LAnnotation::CutToClipboard
   ANNCHANGE_PASTE                           = 102, // Annotation paste LAnnotation::CopyFromClipboard
   ANNCHANGE_DELETE                          = 103, // Object being deleted LAnnotation::Destroy
   ANNCHANGE_SELECT_ALL                      = 104, // All objects being selected
   ANNCHANGE_BRING_TO_FRONT                  = 105, // Menu: Bring To Front --Bring selected object to front of Z-order
   ANNCHANGE_BRING_TO_BACK                   = 106, // Menu: Bring To Back -- Bring selected object to back of Z-Order
   ANNCHANGE_LOCK                            = 107, // Lock one object LAnnotation::Lock
   ANNCHANGE_UNLOCK                          = 108, // Unlock one object LAnnotation::Unlock
   ANNCHANGE_LOCK_SELECTED                   = 109, // Menu: Lock selected objects
   ANNCHANGE_UNLOCK_SELECTED                 = 110, // Menu: Unlock selected objects
   ANNCHANGE_INSERT                          = 111, // Insert object into container LAnnContainer::Insert
   ANNCHANGE_NOTE_BACKCOLOR                  = 112, // Menu: Default Properties->Note Background Color
   ANNCHANGE_HILITE_BACKCOLOR                = 113, // Menu: Default Properties->Hilite Background Color
   ANNCHANGE_REDACT_BACKCOLOR                = 114, // Menu: Default Properties->Redact Background Color
   ANNCHANGE_ENCRYPT_METAFILE                = 115, // Menu: Default Properties->Encrypt Metafile
   ANNCHANGE_DECRYPT_METAFILE                = 116, // Menu: Default Properties->Decrypt Metafile
   ANNCHANGE_HOTSPOT_METAFILE                = 117, // Menu: Default Properties->Hotspot Metafile
   ANNCHANGE_TEXT_ALIGN                      = 118, // LAnnAutomation::SetTextAlign
   ANNCHANGE_TEXT_ROTATE                     = 119, // LAnnAutomation::SetTextRotate
   ANNCHANGE_TEXPOINTER_FIXED                = 120, // LAnnAutomation::SetTextPointerFixed
   ANNCHANGE_TEXT_EXPANDTOKENS               = 121, // LAnnAutomation::SetTextExpandTokens
   ANNCHANGE_FIXED                           = 122, // LAnnAutomation::SetFixed
   ANNCHANGE_MOVE_SELECTED                   = 123, // Fired when moving 1 or more selected objects
   ANNCHANGE_RESIZE_SELECTED                 = 124, // Fired when resizing 1 or more selected objects
   ANNCHANGE_ROTATE_SELECTED                 = 125, // Fired when rotating 1 or more selected objects
   ANNCHANGE_CONTAINER_RECURSE               = 126, // Fired when applying a change recursively to a container (i.e. change forecolor)


The following constants are used in the WM_LTANNEVENT message when wParam is LTANNEVENT_AUTOITEMCHANGING. In this case, lParam points to a structure of type ANNCHANGEPARAM, and the uChange fields is a constant from the following list.

In the comment below, the first word is a description of the annotation property that is changed. If there is a reference to an LAnnXXXX function, see the documentation of the function for a complete description of the property.

Please note that formerly ANNCHANGE_DELETE had the value [0] and ANNCHANGE_ROTATE had the value [93].

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