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LEADTOOLS Raster imaging C++ Class library help

Combining Images with Regions

Show in webframe


Define the following global variables:

CWnd WndClient; /* current child window */
RGNXFORM XForm; /* Structure for transforming display coordinates */
RECT rClientArea; /* Client area of the current window */
RECT rRgnRect; /* Rectangle that defines the region */
LBitmapBase BitmapDst; /* Destination bitmap */
LBitmapBase BitmapSrc; /* Source bitmap */
L_INT XDst; /* Column offset of the destination */
L_INT YDst; /* Row offset of the destination */
L_INT XSize;/* Pixel width of the rectangle to combine */
L_INT YSize;/* Pixel height of the rectangle to combine */
L_INT XSrc; /* Column offset of the source */
L_INT YSrc; /* Column offset of the source */


Load two images as follows:

BitmapDst.Load(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("sample1.cmp")), 0, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL);
BitmapSrc.Load(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("sample2.cmp")), 0, ORDER_BGR, NULL, NULL);


Get the client area of the current child window as follows:



Set RGNXFORM fields, assuming that the display rectangle is the same as the client area of the current child window as follows:

XForm.uViewPerspective = TOP_LEFT;
XForm.nXScalarNum = BitmapDst.GetWidth();
XForm.nXScalarDen = rClientArea.right;
XForm.nYScalarNum = BitmapDst.GetHeight();
XForm.nYScalarDen = rClientArea.bottom;
XForm.nXOffset = 0;
XForm.nYOffset = 0;


Specify a rectangle to define the region and then create a rectangular region as follows:

SetRect(&rRgnRect, rClientArea.right/8, rClientArea.bottom/8, rClientArea.right/2, rClientArea.bottom/2);
LBitmapRgn bmpRegion(&BitmapDst);


Specify a position in the top left part of the displayed image and use the full size of the source bitmap as follows:

XDst = BitmapDst.GetWidth() / 8;
YDst = BitmapDst.GetHeight() / 8;
YSize = BitmapSrc.GetHeight();
XSize = BitmapSrc.GetWidth();
XSrc = 0;
YSrc = 0;


Combine BitmapDst with BitmapSrc, using flags for an ordinary paste, and save it as a new file:

BitmapDst.Combine(&BitmapSrc, XDst, YDst, XSize, YSize, XSrc, YSrc, CB_OP_ADD | CB_DST_0);
BitmapDst.Save(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("eye.gif")), FILE_BMP, 0, 2, 1, 0);



At the end you should free the rectangle:


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