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#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LAnnAutomation::SetAutoText(uItem, pText)

L_UINT uItem;

/* constant for the specified item */

L_TCHAR * pText;

/* character string for the item */

Specifies the character string for a menu or dialog box item associated with automated annotations.




Constant that specifies the menu or dialog box item, which appears when the user presses the right mouse button. For lists of constants and their default values, refer to the following:


Annotation Automation Menu Strings


Annotation Automation Line Dialog Strings


Annotation Automation Fill Dialog Strings


Annotation Automation Text Dialog Strings


Annotation Automation Audio Dialog Strings


Annotation Automation Stamp Dialog Strings


Annotation Automation ROP2 Dialog Strings


Annotation Automation Lock/Unlock Dialog Strings


Annotation Automation Miscellaneous Dialog Strings


Annotation Automation Ruler Dialog Strings


Character string to use for the menu or dialog box item.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


To retrieve the character string for a menu item or dialog box item, use LAnnAutomation::GetAutoTextLen to determine the length of the string and to allocate a buffer of appropriate size. Then call LAnnAutomation::GetAutoText to retrieve the string.

When you call LAnnAutomation::SetAutoText, if you pass an empty string, the menu item defined by uItem will be disabled and removed from the automation menu. To re-enable the menu item, call LAnnAutomation::SetAutoText and pass a valid string.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

See Also


LAnnAutomation::GetAutoText, LAnnAutomation::GetAutoTextLen, LAnnAutomation::IsAutoMenuEnabled, LAnnAutomation::SetAutoMenuEnabled, Class Members, LAnnAutomation::SetAutoHilightPen, LAnnotation::SetAutoSnapCursor, LAnnotation::GetAutoSnapCursor, LAnnAutomation::GetAutoHilightPen


Annotation Functions: Implementing Automation


Converting Automation Dialogs to Other Languages


For an example, refer to LAnnAutomation::GetAutoText.

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