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LEADTOOLS OCR Output Formats

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With LEADTOOLS OCR technology, developers can create applications to convert images into searchable and editable document formats. These include PDF, PDF/A, DOC, XLS, Text and XML.

Broad Array of OCR SDK Output Formats

Use LEADTOOLS OCR Output Formats for both final documents for end-users and programmatic processing for directing application logic and business workflow.

Document Writer Output Formats for End-User Documents

LEADTOOLS leverages its flexible and modular design to use the Document Writers to save real-world usable documents generated from OCR results in the following formats:

OCR Formats for Processing Results

When final documents are not the goal, LEADTOOLS offers developers several options for accessing recognition results data. Programmers can parse the OCR results to populate databases, require user input on low confidence words, execute field-based business workflow processes or even create their own output format.

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