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File Formats: LEADTOOLS PDF with Mixed Raster Content (PDF)

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Portable Document Format (PDF). LEADTOOLS provides support for PDF compression with MRC segmentation. The MRC segmentation can be used to break down a page/image into smaller segments, saving each segment using compression appropriate for that segment. Thus, one page of a PDF file may have an image JPEG compressed, some text JBIG2 compressed, and another area CCITT compressed. This whole process works to provide a PDF file with better compression and better quality than just a standard Raster PDF file.

The default extension used by this format is: PDF.

LEADTOOLS supports Load and save for this format.

Keys that must be unlocked to enable this format support: Document. and PDF_ADVANCED.

Multi-page is supported upon creating PDF file only by using PDF compressor.

File constants associated with this file format are:


Read Support

Write Support



24 BPP

N/A (see note below)

PDF Format with LEAD Mixed Raster Content.


NOTE: PdfLeadMrc is made up of different segments, which can be of various BitsPerPixel.  When you request file information on a PDF  file, it will be reported as 24-bit.  When you save PdfLeadMrc files, various segments will be saved with different BitsPerPixel, based on the content.

Required DLL: LCMRC, LCPDF, LCENC, LCZIB, LTSGM. For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

Related Formats: MRC Format, TIFF - Tagged Image File Format.


Win32, x64.

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