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MS-PowerPoint Presentation format (PPT, PPTX(2007/2010))

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LEADTOOLS supports reading the following Microsoft Office Word formats:

PPT (97-2003)

The MS-PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) file format is binary file format used by Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003. A .PPT file is a collection of records and structures that specifies slides, shapes, pictures, audio, video, text, and other presentation content. This content can then be delivered to an audience by means of a slide show.

LEADTOOLS supports loading* and saving MS-PowerPoint Presentation format (97-2003) files using the PPT filter. Both loading and saving is supported*. Files are loaded and saved as raster images files.

LEADTOOLS supports transparent images, bullets, and rotated images.

File constants associated with this file format are:


Read Support

Write Support



24 BPP

1, 4, 8, 16, 24 BPP

[344]  PPT, PowerPoint presentation file.


24 BPP

8, 24 BPP

[345] PPT JPEG compressed PowerPoint presentation file.


24 BPP

1, 4, 8, 24 BPP

[346] PPT PNG compressed PowerPoint presentation file.

* Multi-page files can be loaded and saved. When a multi-page file is first created, any number of pages can be saved. Once saved, however, the file cannot be edited or added to.

Required DLL: LFPPTU. For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

PPTX (2007/2010)

The PPTX(2007/2010) file extension is associated with Microsoft PowerPoint, a tool you can use to create and edit dynamic and great-looking presentations. The .PPTX files are used for editable slide shows, which are very often used for presentations. The .PPTX files may include formatted text, bullet points, images, movies, sound effects, or music. They are often built from one of many templates included with the Microsoft Office PowerPoint software, but may also be created from scratch. They serve the same purpose as the .ppt PowerPoint presentation files, but are using the new XML structure, introduced in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. For more information, refer to

For sample images, refer to

LEADTOOLS supports loading PPTX(2007/2010) files through PPX filter.

The default extension used by this format is: PPTX.

This file format does not support QFactor, progressive loading, stamps, Lossless JPEG compression or Sub-formats.

LEAD supports loading multi-page files in this format.

LEAD supports transparent images, bullets, and rotated images.

File constants associated with this file format are:


Read Support

Write Support



24 BPP


[352] Microsoft Office 2007/2010 Pointpoint.

Required DLL: LFPPX,.NET Framework 3.5, and the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll(ver. 2.0). For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

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