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Paint Shop Pro Format (PSP)

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PSP is a raster format created by JASC Software. It supports uncompressed, RLE compressed, LZ77 compressed, and JPEG compressed files (including Lossless JPEG). LEADTOOLS supports all these compression types. LEADTOOLS supports versions 5, 6 and 7 of this format. Version 7 supports the Vector Shapes layer, which LEADTOOLS views as raster.

For PSP files, you can read the following bits per pixel: 1 (gray), 4 (gray), 8 (gray or color), 24 (color). For all compression type (uncompressed, RLE compressed, LZ77 compressed, and JPEG compressed files (including Lossless JPEG).

For PSP files, you can write the following bits per pixel: 1 (gray), 4 (gray), 8 (gray or color), 24 (color). With this compression type only (uncompressed, RLE compressed, and JPEG compressed files (including Lossless JPEG).

The default extension used by this format is: PSP.

This file format does support layers. With LEADTOOLS, layers may be loaded individually using LFile::LoadLayer, or all at once, using LFile::Load.


File constants associated with this file format are:


Read Support

Write Support



1, 4, 8 BPP (Grayscale)
8, 24 BPP (Color)

1, 4, 8 BPP (Grayscale)
8, 24 BPP (Color)

[267] PaintShop Pro Format.


1, 4, 8 BPP (Grayscale)
8, 24 BPP (Color)

1, 4, 8 BPP (Grayscale)
8, 24 BPP (Color)

[268] PaintShop Pro Format - RLE Compressed.

Required DLL: LFPSP. For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

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