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LEADTOOLS Mixed Raster Content (MRC) C DLL Help


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typedef struct _tagCOMPRESSIONOPTIONS
   L_UINT uStructSize;
   L_INT nMaskCoder;
   L_INT nPictureCoder;
   L_INT nPictureQFactor;
   L_INT nGrayscale2BitCoder; 
   L_INT nGrayscale8BitCoder;
   L_INT nGrayscale8BitFactor;
   L_INT nText2BitCoder;

The COMPRESSIONOPTIONS structure contains compression information used with mask/picture segments and quality compression factor for the pictures area.




Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate this value.


Flag that indicates the mask compression. Possible values are:






[0x00] JBIG compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, FILE_MRC, or FILE_TIF_MRC is set in the nFormat of either L_MrcSaveBitmap, L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x01] Fax group 4 compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, FILE_MRC, or FILE_TIF_MRC is set in the nFormat of either L_MrcSaveBitmap, L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x02] Fax group 3 (1D) compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, FILE_ MRC, or FILE_TIF_MRC is set in the nFormat of either L_MrcSaveBitmap , L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x03] Fax group 3 (2D) compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, FILE_ MRC, or FILE_TIF_MRC is set in the nFormat of either L_MrcSaveBitmap, L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x04] ZIP compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x05] LZW compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x06] Fax group 3 (1D) compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x07] Fax group 3 (2D) compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x08] Fax group 4 compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x09] JBIG2 compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.


Flag that indicates the background (picture) compression type. Possible values are:






[0x00] LEAD Wavelet (CMW) compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x01] LEAD Wavelet lossless compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x02] LEAD CMP compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x03] JPEG Compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, FILE_MRC, or FILE_TIF_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap, L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x04] JPEG Lossless Compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap, L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x05] JPEG Compression with YUV 4:2:2 color space.

This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x06] JPEG Compression with YUV 4:1:1 color space.

This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x07] JPEG Progressive Compression.

This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x08] JPEG Progressive Compression.

This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x09] JPEG Progressive Compression.

This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x0A] JPEG Compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x0B] JPEG Compression with YUV 4:2:2 color space.This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x0C] JPEG Compression with YUV 4:1:1 color space.This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x0D] JPEG Progressive Compression.This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x0E] JPEG Progressive Compression with YUV 4:2:2 color space.This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x0F] JPEG Compression with YUV 4:1:1 color space.This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x10] ZIP Compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x11] LZW Compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.


Compression quality for JPEG, CMP and CMW compression for colored images.  Possible values are between 2 and 255, where 2 is the highest quality and 255 is the most compression. If the nPictureCoder is CMW or JPEG lossless compression, the nPictureQFactor should be 0.


Flag that indicates the background (grayscale 2 bit) compression type. This value is valid only when saving in LEAD Proprietary T44 format using the L_MrcSaveBitmap function (when using the L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 function, all 2-bit grayscale segments are treated as picture segments). This member is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList... Possible values are:






[0x00] 2 bpp grayscale JBIG compression.


Flag that indicates the background (grayscale 8 bit) compression type. This value is valid only when saving in LEAD Proprietary T44 format using the L_MrcSaveBitmap function (when using the L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 function, all 8-bit grayscale segments are treated as picture segments). This member is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapT44. Possible values are:






[0x00] 8 bpp Lossless grayscale LEAD CMW compression.



[0x01] 8 bpp grayscale LEAD CMW compression.



[0x02] 8 bpp grayscale LEAD CMP compression.



[0x03] 8 bpp Lossless grayscale JPEG compression.



[0x05] 8 bpp grayscale JPEG progressive compression.



[0x04] 8 bpp grayscale JPEG compression.


Compression quality for JPEG, CMP and CMW compression for 8-bit grayscale images. This value is valid only when saving in LEAD Proprietary T44 format using the L_MrcSaveBitmap function (when using the L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 function, all 8-bit grayscale segments are treated as picture segments). Possible values are between 2 and 255, where 2 are the highest quality and 255 is the most compression. If the nGrayscale8BitCoder is CMW or JPEG lossless compression, the nGrayscaleFactor should be 0. This member is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapT44.


Flag that indicates the text 2-bit compression type. This value is valid only when saving in LEAD Proprietary T44 format using the L_MrcSaveBitmap function, ). This member is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC, FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC, or FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList. Possible values are:






[0x00] 2 bpp JBIG compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x00] 2 bpp GIF compression. This flag is used only if FILE_LEAD_MRC or FILE_TIF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x02] ZIP compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.



[0x03] LZW compression. This flag is used only if FILE_PDF_LEAD_MRC is set in the nFormat parameter of either L_MrcSaveBitmap or L_MrcSaveBitmapList.


pCOMPRESSIONOPTIONS is a pointer to a COMPRESSIONOPTIONS structure. Where the message parameter type is pCOMPRESSIONOPTIONS, you can declare a COMPRESSIONOPTIONS variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pCOMPRESSIONOPTIONS variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.

When saving in standard T44 format using the L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 function, the only valid background compression is JPEG.

COMPRESSIONOPTIONS is used with the L_MrcSaveBitmap and L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 functions.

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