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LEADTOOLS Mixed Raster Content (MRC) C DLL Help

General Segmentation

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With LEADTOOLS it is easy to handle the segmentation process, whether performing segmentation automatically or manually. A segment is a rectangular area on the bitmap. A segment's type depends on the content of its area. The segmentation process classifies the segments of a bitmap as background, text, grayscale or picture.  The segmentation process breaks the image  into different 9 types:

  1. Background (The most prevalent color in the document)

  2. One color Segment

  3. 1 bit black and white (Text) Segment

  4. 1 bit color Segment

  5. 2 bit color Segment

  6. 2 bit grayscale Segment

  7. 2 bit black and white (Text) Segment.

  8. 8-bit grayscale Segment

  9. Image Segment

Call the L_MrcStartBitmapSegmentation function to initialize the segmentation process, before calling any of the segmentation methods. When the handle to the segmentation is no longer needed, free it by calling the L_MrcStopBitmapSegmentation function.

Each call to the L_MrcStartBitmapSegmentation function requires a corresponding call to the L_MrcStopBitmapSegmentation function.

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