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#include "ILMDVRSource.h"

C Syntax

HRESULT ILMDVRSource_GetBufferTotalSize(pILMDVRSource, nFolderIndex, uFlags, pnFiles, pnTotalFileSize)

C++ Syntax

HRESULT GetBufferTotalSize(nFolderIndex, uFlags, pnFiles, pnTotalFileSize)


ILMDVRSource *pILMDVRSource;

/* pointer to an interface */

long nFolderIndex;

/* index of buffer folder */

long uFlags;

/* flags */

long * pnFiles;

/* pointer to the total number of files */

double * pnTotalFileSize;

/* pointer to the total file size */

Gets the total size or actual size of all buffer (.LRC) files for the specified buffer folder.




Pointer to an ILMDVRSource interface.


The index of the desired buffer folder.


The flag specifying how to calculate the total size.
Values can be:

DVRGetTotalSize_Actual = 0x0000

DVRGetTotalSize_Allowed = 0x0001


Pointer to total number of files included in the buffer size calculation.


Pointer to the total calculated buffer file size.



The function was successful.

<> S_OK

An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


Pass the DVRGetTotalSize_Allowed flag value to request the total allowable buffer file size OR pass the DVRGetTotalSize_Actual flag value to request the actual used total file size.


Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns a code indicating the reason for failure:

E_UNEXPECTED = Starting offset not found.

DISP_E_BADINDEX = Index supplied is outside the range of currently valid indexes.

LTMM_E_DVR_NO_RECORDINGS = No .LRC recording files exist.

E_INVALIDARG = Either the number of files or file size specified is not valid.


Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64

See Also


ILMDVRSource::get_FolderCount, ILMDVRSource::get_FolderName, ILMDVRSource::GetAvailabilityInfo, ILMDVRSource::GetBufferInfo


Multimedia Function Group, DVR Function Groups, Introduction to the LEADTOOLS MPEG-2 Transport Module, DVR Component FAQs, LEAD DVR Sink Filter, Accessing the DVR Sink Object,How to Use the DVR Sink Object to Control Capture Buffer Settings (C++), How to Set Capture Buffers on More Than One Physical Disk, How to Copy Buffered DVR Data to a New File


For a C example, refer to ILMDVRSource::GetBufferTotalSize Example For C

For a C++ example, refer to ILMDVRSource::GetBufferTotalSize Example For C++

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