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IltmmAudioInputs::put_Enable Example for C

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void IltmmAudioInputs_put_Enable_Example (IltmmAudioInputs* pAudioInputs)
   VARIANT_BOOL bEnable;

   // Disable all inputs: 
   IltmmAudioInputs_put_Enable(pAudioInputs, VARIANT_FALSE); 

   // Now enable the currently selected input: 
   IltmmAudioInputs_put_Enable (pAudioInputs, VARIANT_FALSE);

   // Check if the currently selected input is enabled: 
   IltmmAudioInputs_get_Enable(pAudioInputs, & bEnable); 

   if( bEnable == VARIANT_TRUE ) 
      MessageBox( 0, "Info", "The selected input is enabled", 0); 
      MessageBox( 0, "Info", "All inputs are disabled", 0); 
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