LEADTOOLS Multimedia API Help > Programming with LEADTOOLS Multimedia > C Code > IltmmConvert::GetSubObjectDispatch Example for C |
This function checks if the Lens effect filter is available and turns off the effect area (cropping feature).
void IltmmConvert_GetSubObjectDispatch_Example (IltmmConvert* pConvert) { HRESULT hr; IDispatch *pDisp = NULL; ILMVLens *pLens = NULL; // call the Capture object to retrieve the FilterGraph hr = IltmmConvert_GetSubObjectDispatch(pConvert, ltmmConvert_Object_SelVideoProcessor, &pDisp); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = IDispatch_QueryInterface(pDisp, &IID_ILMVLens, (void**)&pLens); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ILMVLens_put_EffectAreaEnabled(pLens, VARIANT_FALSE); ILMVLens_Release(pLens); } IDispatch_Release(pDisp); } }