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IltmmConvert::put_SelectionStartModifier Example for C++

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#define START_VAL 10.0

#define END_VAL 30.0
void OnSelectionStartModifier(IltmmConvert *pConvert)
ltmmSelectionModifier modifier = ltmmSelectionModifier_None; double value = 0; char buf[180] = "";
// Selection Start // Set the Selection Start Modifier to Nearest Key Frame pConvert->get_SelectionStartModifier(&modifier); if(modifier != ltmmSelectionModifier_NearestKeyFrame) pConvert->put_SelectionStartModifier(ltmmSelectionModifier_NearestKeyFrame); // Set the value to something nice and round pConvert->put_SelectionStart(START_VAL); // get the value to see how it was auto adjusted pConvert->get_SelectionStart(&value); sprintf(buf, "%f\n", value); OutputDebugString(buf);
// Selection End // Set the Selection End Modifier to Next Key Frame pConvert->get_SelectionEndModifier(&modifier); if(modifier != ltmmSelectionModifier_NextKeyFrame) pConvert->put_SelectionEndModifier(ltmmSelectionModifier_NextKeyFrame); // Set the value to something nice and round pConvert->put_SelectionEnd(END_VAL); // get the value to see how it was auto adjusted pConvert->get_SelectionEnd(&value); sprintf(buf, "%f\n", value); OutputDebugString(buf);
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