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IltmmConvert::SetClosedCaptioningTargetFile Example for C++

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// This function does the following: // 1) Sets a closed captioning target file and saves it in SRT format. // 2) Retrieves the file and its flag and makes sure it is properly set. // 3) Sets a closed captioning target file and saves it in TEXT format. // 4) Retrieves the file and its flag and makes sure it is properly set.

#define MAKE_MEDIA_PATH(pFileName) (TEXT("C:\\LEADTOOLS 18\\Media\\")TEXT(pFileName))

void TestSetClosedCaptioningTargetFile(IltmmConvert *pConvert)
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;
   BSTR bstrTargetFileSRT = NULL;
   BSTR bstrTargetFileTEXT = NULL;
   BSTR bstrTargetFile = NULL;
   long Flags = 0;
   bstrTargetFileSRT = SysAllocString(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH(""));
   bstrTargetFileTEXT = SysAllocString(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH("ClosedCaptioning.txt"));
   // Set the closed captioning target file to and save it in SRT format.
   hr = pConvert->SetClosedCaptioningTargetFile(bstrTargetFileSRT, 0);
   ASSERT( hr == S_OK);

   bstrTargetFile = NULL;
   hr = pConvert->GetClosedCaptioningTargetFile(&bstrTargetFile, &Flags);
   if((hr == S_OK) && (VarBstrCmp(bstrTargetFile, bstrTargetFileSRT, NORM_IGNORECASE | LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0) == static_cast<HRESULT>(VARCMP_EQ)) && (0==Flags) )
      MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The Closed Captioning Target File was set properly!"), TEXT("SUCCESS"), MB_OK);
      MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The Closed Captioning Target File was NOT set properly!"), TEXT("FAILURE"), MB_OK);
   // free the bstr

   // Set the closed captioning target file to ClosedCaptioning.txt and save it in TEXT format.
   hr = pConvert->SetClosedCaptioningTargetFile(bstrTargetFileTEXT, ltmmClosedCaptioning_Text);
   ASSERT( hr == S_OK);

   bstrTargetFile = NULL;
   hr = pConvert->GetClosedCaptioningTargetFile(&bstrTargetFile, &Flags);
   if((hr == S_OK) && (VarBstrCmp(bstrTargetFile, bstrTargetFileTEXT, NORM_IGNORECASE | LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0) == static_cast<HRESULT>(VARCMP_EQ)) && (ltmmClosedCaptioning_Text==Flags) )
      MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The Closed Captioning Target File was set properly!"), TEXT("SUCCESS"), MB_OK);
      MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The Closed Captioning Target File was NOT set properly!"), TEXT("FAILURE"), MB_OK);

   // free the bstrs
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