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IltmmFilterEnum Example for C++

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void SetFilterMerit(IltmmConvert *pConvert)
   HRESULT hr  = S_OK;
   CComPtr<IltmmFilterEnum> pFilterEnum;

   // try to get the filter enumeration object
   hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ltmmFilterEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IltmmFilterEnum, (void**)&pFilterEnum);
      AfxMessageBox(_T("Can't instantiate IltmmFilterEnum library"));

   BSTR bstr = SysAllocString(L"LEAD Audio SPDIF Passthru");
   long value = 0;

   // get the Merit of the LEAD Audio SPDIF Passthru filter
   hr = pFilterEnum->get_Merit(bstr, &value); 

   // Increase the Merit 
   value = value + 100; 

   // Set the New Merit
   hr = pFilterEnum->put_Merit(bstr, value);  

   VARIANT_BOOL isEnable;
   // Determine whether the filter is Enabled 
   hr = pFilterEnum->get_Enable(bstr, &isEnable); 

   // Disable the filter
   hr = pFilterEnum->put_Enable(bstr, VARIANT_FALSE); 

    // Free the string
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