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IltmmPlay::get_DVDecoderResolution Example for C++

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// This function will change the small resolution
// into the next highest resolution
HRESULT GetPlayDVDDecoderResolution(IltmmPlay *pPlay)
   ltmmDVResolution DVRes;
   CString strDV;

   // call the Play object to retrieve the DVD Decoder resolution
   HRESULT hr = pPlay->get_DVDecoderResolution(&DVRes);

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      // increase the resolution
      if(DVRes == ltmmDVResolution_DC)
      if(DVRes == ltmmDVResolution_Quarter)
      if(DVRes == ltmmDVResolution_Half)

      // display the current resolution
      strDV.Format(TEXT("DV Decoder resolution = %d"), (int)DVRes);
      MessageBox(NULL, strDV, TEXT("DVD Decoder Resolution"), MB_OK);

   return hr;
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