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IltmmRTSPServer Interface

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The IltmmRTSPServer interface is a high level object that allows you to implement an RTSP Server. It provides high level functions for using the LEAD RTSP Sink  filter to implement an RTSP server.

You can also see the Create RTSP Server using RTSP Sink topic for information on how to create a RTSP server using low level interfaces that access the LEAD RTSP Sink filter directly.

When you use the high level functions in this interface, the task of creating an RTSP server is much simpler.

The IltmmRTSPServer interface keeps an internal list of folders containing the media files that should be streamed. The files can be in more than one root source folders. In addition, any files present in subfolders of the root folder are accessible. The source folders are added with IltmmRTSPServer::put_SourceFolder.

DVR buffers are treated as live streams while they are being updated. When a user attempts to streams one of these live streams, the server will stream from the live position with a latency set using ltmmRTSPServer::put_LiveLatency.

You can protect the server by limiting access to a certain users using IltmmRTSPServer::put_Security. The security settings can be the same for all folders or give different access settings for each folder.

The file whose compression settings don't match the compressions supported by the RTSP Sink are automatically recompressed on the fly. You can override the compression settings used by the encoders with IltmmRTSPServer::LoadSettingsFromFile and IltmmRTSPServer::LoadSettingsFromStream.

Once you have chosen all these settings, you specify the IP address on which the server will listen using IltmmRTSPServer::get_TargetAddress.

When everything is set, you start the server and specify on which port to listen using IltmmRTSPServer::StartServer.

Note: Do not use "%" characters in filenames that you put on an RTSP server. The % character has a special meaning in Internet URLs: it is used to encode URLs. For instance, spaces are replaced with %20 when you use a URL. So a file called x%20y.avi could mean x y.avi or x%20.avi. To avoid confusion, do not use the "%" character in filenames.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IltmmRTSPServer Interface exposes the following functions:
















Win32, x64

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