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LEADTOOLS Multimedia API Help

The format to be used for the converted file. This includes the file format, any special settings used by that format, and which audio and/or video codec is to be used for the conversion, and any special settings used by the codecs.

A COmpressor combined with a DECompressor, or encoder and a decoder, which allows you to both compress and decompress that same data.


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#include "ltmm.h"

C Syntax

HRESULT IltmmTargetFormat_getCacheObject(pTargetFormat, ObjType, ppObject)

C++ Syntax

HRESULT GetCacheObject(ObjType, ppObject)


IltmmTargetFormat * pTargetFormat;

/* pointer to an interface */

long ObjType;

/* object type */

Iunknown ** ppObject;

/* pointer to a pointer */

Retrieves the caching filter object.




Pointer to the IltmmTargetFormat interface that references the target format object.


Value that indicates which caching object to retrieve. This must be one of the ltmmTargetFormat_Object Constants.


Pointer to a variable to receive the caching filter object interface pointer.



The function was successful.

<> S_OK

An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


Use the IltmmTargetFormat::get_UseFilterCache function to query whether the toolkit is caching filters. It returns the value that was set using the IltmmTargetFormat::put_UserFilterCache. Use the IltmmTargetFormat::put_UseFilterCache function to enable or disable caching for the target format. Use the IltmmTargetFormat::GetCacheObject function to retrieve the caching filter object. Use the IltmmTargetFormat::ShowCacheDialog function to display a specific property dialog for the caching filter. Use the IltmmTargetFormat::HasCacheDialog function to query whether the specified property dialog for the caching filter is available.

The user is responsible for releasing the retrieved caching filter object by calling its Release() function, when it is no longer needed.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64

See Also


IltmmTargetFormat::get_UseFilterCache, IltmmTargetFormat::put_UseFilterCache, IltmmTargetFormat::HasCacheDialog IltmmTargetFormat::ShowCacheDialog, IltmmCapture::GetSubObject, IltmmConvert::GetSubObject


Multimedia Function Group


For a C example, refer to IltmmTargetFormat::CreateTargetFormats.

For a C example, refer to IltmmTargetFormat::put_UseFilterCache.

For a C++ example, refer to IltmmTargetFormat::CreateTargetFormats.

For a C++ example, refer to IltmmTargetFormat::put_UseFilterCache.

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