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IltmmTVTuner::get_CountryCode Example for C

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void IltmmTVTuner_get_CountryCode_Example (IltmmCapture *pCapture)
   long lCountryCode; 
   char szCountryCode[245]; 
   IltmmTVTuner* pTuner;

   HRESULT hr = IltmmCapture_get_TVTuner (pCapture, &pTuner); 

   if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pTuner != NULL) 
      IltmmTVTuner_put_CountryCode(pTuner, 1); 

      IltmmTVTuner_get_CountryCode(pTuner, &lCountryCode); 

      wsprintf(szCountryCode, "Country code is %d", lCountryCode); 

      MessageBox(NULL, szCountryCode, NULL, MB_OK); 

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