LEADTOOLS Multimedia API Help > Programming with LEADTOOLS Multimedia > C Code > IltmmWMProfile::get_MutualExclusionCount Example for C |
For complete code, refer to the CNVWM demo. The example below checks all the streams for a mutual object. If the quality is less than 50, it is removed.
LPTSTR OLE2A(LPCOLESTR lpw) { static CHAR convert[512]; if(!lpw) return NULL; convert[0] = '\0'; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpw, -1, convert, 512, NULL, NULL); return convert; } void IltmmWMProfile_get_MutualExclusionCount_Example (IltmmWMProfile *pProfile) { IltmmWMMutualExclusion *pMutualExc = NULL; IltmmWMStreamConfig *pStreamConfig = NULL; long lMCount; long lSCount; long lStreamNumber; long lQuality; BSTR bstrData; char strUpdate[255]; int i; int j; IltmmWMProfile_get_MutualExclusionCount(pProfile, &lMCount); // iterate through the objects for(i=0; i<lMCount; i++) { IltmmWMProfile_GetMutualExclusion(pProfile, i, &pMutualExc); IltmmWMMutualExclusion_get_StreamCount(pMutualExc, &lSCount); if(lSCount == 0) { IltmmWMProfile_RemoveMutualExclusion(pProfile, pMutualExc); IltmmWMMutualExclusion_Release(pMutualExc); } else { for(j=0; j<lSCount; j++) { // obtain the stream number IltmmWMMutualExclusion_GetStream(pMutualExc, j, &lStreamNumber); // get the stream using it's number IltmmWMProfile_GetStreamByNumber (pProfile, lStreamNumber, &pStreamConfig); // check it's quality, if it is less than 50, remove it... IltmmWMStreamConfig_get_Quality(pStreamConfig, &lQuality); if(lQuality < 50) { // remove it... IltmmWMMutualExclusion_RemoveStream(pMutualExc, lStreamNumber); } // report the user with update... IltmmWMMutualExclusion_get_Type(pMutualExc, &bstrData); sprintf(strUpdate, "Updating Mutual object with type :\n %s", OLE2A(bstrData)); SysFreeString(bstrData); MessageBox(NULL, strUpdate, "Update...", MB_OK); IltmmWMStreamConfig_Release(pStreamConfig); IltmmWMMutualExclusion_Release(pMutualExc); } } } }