LEADTOOLS Multimedia API Help > Programming with LEADTOOLS Multimedia > C Code > IltmmWMProfileManager::SaveProfile Example for C |
For complete code, refer to the CNVWM demo.
LPTSTR OLE2A(LPCOLESTR lpw) { static CHAR convert[512]; if(!lpw) return NULL; convert[0] = '\0'; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpw, -1, convert, 512, NULL, NULL); return convert; } void IltmmWMProfileManager_SaveProfile_Example (IltmmWMProfileManager *pProfileManager, int i) { IltmmWMProfile *pProfile = NULL; BSTR bstrString; IltmmWMProfileManager_LoadSystemProfile (pProfileManager, i, &pProfile); IltmmWMProfileManager_SaveProfile(pProfileManager, pProfile, &bstrString); MessageBox(NULL, OLE2A(bstrString), "Profile Content", MB_OK); IltmmWMProfile_Release(pProfile); SysFreeString(bstrString); }