LEADTOOLS Multimedia API Help > Programming with LEADTOOLS Multimedia > C++ Code > CreateScriptStream Example for C++ |
This example shows how to add stream scripts from a capture graph.
#define MAKE_MEDIA_PATH(pFileName) (TEXT("C:\\LEADTOOLS 18\\Media\\")TEXT(pFileName)) void CreateScriptStream(IltmmCapture *pCapture) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUnknown *punk; IltmmWMScript *pWMScript; // source and target path names BSTR bstrTarget = SysAllocString(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH("source_script.wmv")); // set the source, target and WMV target formats for our conversion hr = SelectCaptureDevices(pCapture); if (FAILED(hr)) { MessageBox(NULL, L"Unable to select capture devices", L"WMScripting Example", MB_OK); return; } pCapture->put_TargetFile(bstrTarget); pCapture->put_TargetFormat(ltmmCapture_TargetFormat_WMV_Mux); // free the BSTR SysFreeString(bstrTarget); // get the target object pCapture->GetSubObject(ltmmCapture_Object_TargetFilter, &punk); if (punk) { // get the WMScript object punk->QueryInterface(IID_IltmmWMScript, (void**)&pWMScript); if (pWMScript) { WCHAR szTemp[128]; double scriptTime; BSTR bstrScriptCmd; // turn off stream scripts and remove any header scripts pWMScript->put_EnableScriptStream(VARIANT_TRUE); pWMScript->RemoveAllHeaderScripts(); // create a sample header script (type of caption) and set it to execute @ 2 secs into capture scriptTime = 2.0; swprintf_s(szTemp, _countof(szTemp), L"Sample caption script at %g seconds", scriptTime); bstrScriptCmd = SysAllocString(szTemp); // add the header script hr = pWMScript->WriteScriptStream(L"caption", bstrScriptCmd, scriptTime); // free the bstr SysFreeString(bstrScriptCmd); // now close the script stream hr = pWMScript->CloseScriptStream(); pWMScript->Release(); } // if all is well, run the capture now if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pCapture->StartCapture(ltmmCapture_Mode_VideoAndAudio); punk->Release(); } } BOOL SelectDeviceLike(IltmmDevices *pDevices, LPTSTR szDevSrch) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; long i, count = 0; pDevices->put_Selection(-1); pDevices->get_Count(&count); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { IltmmDevice *pDevice; BSTR name; pDevices->Item(i, &pDevice); if (pDevice) { // get the friendly name for comparisson check pDevice->get_FriendlyName(&name); // if the device name contains our search string, select it if(!wcsstr(name, szDevSrch)) { pDevices->put_Selection(i); pDevice->Release(); SysFreeString(name); bFound = TRUE; break; } SysFreeString(name); pDevice->Release(); pDevice = NULL; } } return bFound; } HRESULT SelectCaptureDevices(IltmmCapture *pCapture) { IltmmDevices *pDevices; BOOL bSelected = FALSE; pCapture->get_VideoDevices(&pDevices); if (!pDevices) return E_FAIL; bSelected = SelectDeviceLike(pDevices, L"Logitech"); pDevices->Release(); pDevices = NULL; if (!bSelected) return E_FAIL; bSelected = FALSE; pCapture->get_AudioDevices(&pDevices); if (!pDevices) return E_FAIL; bSelected = SelectDeviceLike(pDevices, L"Logitech"); pDevices->Release(); if (!bSelected) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; }