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#include "ltmm.h"

C Syntax

HRESULT IltmmWMScript_GetHeaderScript(pWMScript, Index, pScriptType, pScriptCommand, pScriptTime)

C++ Syntax

HRESULT GetHeaderScript(Index, pScriptType, pScriptCommand, pScriptTime)


IltmmWMScript *pWMScript;

/* pointer to an interface */

long Index;

/* index of desired script command */

BSTR *pScriptType;

/* pointer to a variable to be updated with the type of script command */

BSTR *pScriptCommand;

/* pointer to a variable to be updated with the text containing the script command */

double *pScriptTime;

/* pointer to a variable to be updated with the  time (in seconds) when the script command should execute */

Gets the header script at the specified index.




Pointer to an IltmmWMScript Interface.


The index of the script command to retrieve.


Pointer to a variable that receives the type of script command (for example, "caption", "url", or  "filename").


Pointer to a varaible that receives the type of script command. Syntax depends on the ScriptType value. For example, an "url" script command will expect the ScriptCommand text to be a fully qualified URL string.


Pointer to a varaible that receives the actual time (in seconds) when the script command should be executed.



The function was successful.

<> S_OK

An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


See the Microsoft documentation, Using Script Commands Supported by Windows Media Player, for a complete list of script commands supported by Windows Media Player.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64

See Also


IltmmWMScript Interface, IltmmWMScript::get_HeaderScriptCount, IltmmWMScript::AddHeaderScript, IltmmWMScript::RemoveHeaderScript, IltmmWMScript::RemoveAllHeaderScripts, IltmmWMScript::get_EnableScriptStream, IltmmWMScript::put_EnableScriptStream, IltmmWMScript::WriteScriptStream, IltmmWMScript::CloseScriptStream


Multimedia Function Groups


Adding Script Commands to Windows Media Video


Processing Script Commands During Windows Media Video Playback


For a C example, refer to IltmmWMScript HeaderScripts Example for C.

For a C++ example, refer to IltmmWMScript HeaderScripts Example for C++.

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