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The portion of the file holding the video data. The video data might be compressed to save disk space. The data has to be decompressed using a video decompressor before you can play (see) it.

Also known as a decoder, this is a module or algorithm to decompress data.

The portion of the file holding the audio data. The audio data might be compressed to save disk space. The data has to be decompressed using an audio decompressor before you can play (hear) it.

ltmmCapture_MasterStream Constants

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typedef enum _ltmmCapture_MasterStream
   ltmmCapture_MasterStream_None = -1,
   ltmmCapture_MasterStream_Video = 0,
   ltmmCapture_MasterStream_Audio = 1,
} ltmmCapture_MasterStream;

The ltmmCapture_MasterStream constants define the master stream that other streams must synchronize to after the file is written out.




[-1] Indicates that no stream is as the master.


[0] Indicates that the video stream is used as the master.


[1] Indicates that the audio stream is used as the master.

See Also



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