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How to use ltmfProcessors object to register a 3rd-party Media Foundation transform as a video processor Example for C++

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The following method for C++ shows how to use the ltmfProcessors object from the ltmfPlayControl object to register a 3rd-party video processor.

void PlayerEnableCustomVideoProcessor(IltmfPlay *pPlay) 
   IltmfProcessors *pVideoProcessors = NULL;
   // try to get the video processors collection object
   HRESULT hr = pPlay->get_VideoProcessors(&pVideoProcessors);
   if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && NULL != pVideoProcessors) 
       // Register the external filter by class id 
      pVideoProcessors->RegisterExternalProcessor(L"{AFF289A6-ABF1-4d68-9A51-634BF7077CFC}", VARIANT_TRUE);
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