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Demo Programs

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The source code for the following demo programs are installed in separate EXAMPLES subdirectories of the path where you installed your product (<LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>\Examples). You specify the root directory during Installation.

The executable files for these examples were compiled with all LEADTOOLS capabilities unlocked. However, for redeployment, some of these capabilities require product-specific unlock keys. Otherwise, if you recompile the examples, the resulting executable files will not have the locked capabilities.

To unlock and redeploy these capabilities, you must purchase an appropriate product license, such as that included with a LEADTOOLS Document/Medical toolkit.



Demonstrates the LEADTOOLS FAST TWAIN features in one application.


Demonstrates the LEADTOOLS TWAIN features in one application.


Demonstrates the LEADTOOLS TWAIN high level functionality for scanning.

For more information, refer to:

Programming with LEADTOOLS Twain Functions

LEAD Scanning/Capture Support Forum

See Also:

Microsoft Code Snippet Picker

LEADTOOLS Support Forums

Getting Started with LEADTOOLS

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