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#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LVectorObject::UnlockObject(pObject)


/* pointer to a vector object */

Sets the object information of the class object. This function is available in the LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging Pro Toolkit.




Pointer to a VECTOROBJECT structure that contains the vector object information to set.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function is used to update the object information of the class object.

To use this method, declare a variable of type VECTOROBJECT and pass the address to the LVectorObject::LockObject() method. After modifying the vector object settings, call LVectorObject::UnlockObject(). LVectorObject::LockObject() and LVectorObject::UnlockObject() should always be called in pairs. A more useful form of this method is available in any of the LVectorObject derived classes.

Before an object has been added to the LVectorBase object, using LVectorBase::AddObject or LVectorLayer::AddObject, UnlockObject() can be used to change ALL properties of an object. However, once the object has been added to the LVectorBase object, some properties cannot be changed using LVectorObject::UnlockObject(). Specifically, nPointCount, *Point, pszText, and pbyType cannot be changed. However, as long as the number of points does not change, the coordinates of the individual points can always be modified using LVectorObject::UnlockObject().

To get the current object information for a class object, call LVectorObject::LockObject.

LVectorObject::LockObject and LVectorObject::UnlockObject must be called in pairs.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also




Working with Vector Objects


This example will add a new green polyline to the Active Layer LVectorBase object.

L_INT LVectorObject__UnlockObjectExample_1(HWND hWnd, LVectorBase *pVector)
   L_INT             nRet;
   LVectorPolyLine   VectorPolyLine;
   nRet = VectorPolyLine.LockObject(&PolyLine);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   //Change default properties
   PolyLine.nPointCount = 4;
   VECTORPOINT  Points[4] = {
                              50,  50, 0, 0,
                              80,  50, 0, 0,
                              80,  80, 0, 0,
                              50,  80, 0, 0
   PolyLine.Point = Points;
   PolyLine.Pen.bExtPen = FALSE;
   PolyLine.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnColor = RGB(0,255,0);   
   nRet = VectorPolyLine.UnlockObject(&PolyLine);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet = pVector->AddObject(&VectorPolyLine );
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   return SUCCESS;
// This example will add a  rectangle to the Active Layer LVectorBase object.
// Once added, the rectangle will be rotated twice.
// Rotating the first time 90 degrees, the object type stays as VECTOR_RECTANGLE.
// Rotating the second time  45 degrees, the object type changes to a VECTOR_POLYDRAW.
L_INT LVectorObject__UnlockObjectExample_2(HWND hWnd, LVectorBase *pVector)
   VECTORRECTANGLE     Rectangle;
   L_INT               nRet;
   L_TCHAR             *pszType;
   //Create Rectangle Object
   Rectangle.Point[0].x = 30;
   Rectangle.Point[0].y = 30;
   Rectangle.Point[0].z = 10;
   Rectangle.Point[1].x = 80;
   Rectangle.Point[1].y = 50;
   Rectangle.Point[1].z = 10;
   Rectangle.Brush.nSize = sizeof(VECTORBRUSH);
   Rectangle.Brush.VectorBrushStyle = VECTORBRUSH_STANDARD;
   Rectangle.Brush.BrushType.StandardBrush.LogBrush.lbColor = RGB(0,128,0);
   Rectangle.Brush.BrushType.StandardBrush.LogBrush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
   Rectangle.Pen.nSize = sizeof( VECTORPEN );
   Rectangle.Pen.bExtPen = FALSE;
   Rectangle.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnStyle = PS_SOLID;
   Rectangle.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnWidth.x = 2;
   Rectangle.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnWidth.y = 2;
   Rectangle.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnColor = RGB(255,0,0);
   LVectorRectangle VectorRectangle(&Rectangle);
   nRet = pVector->AddObject(&VectorRectangle);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   //Rotate 90 degrees along the Z-Axis--it stays a VECTOR_RECTANGLE
   MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Rotating 90 degrees along the Z-axis"), TEXT(""), MB_OK);
   VECTORPOINT pointRotation;
   pointRotation.x = 0;
   pointRotation.y = 0;
   pointRotation.z = 90;
   nRet = VectorRectangle.LockObject(&RectangleTemp);
   if (nRet == SUCCESS)
      RectangleTemp.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnColor = RGB(0,0,255);
      nRet = VectorRectangle.UnlockObject(&RectangleTemp);
      if(nRet != SUCCESS)
         return nRet;
      return nRet;
   //Rotate rectangle 45 degrees--it becomes an VECTOR_POLYDRAW object
   pointRotation.x = 0;
   pointRotation.y = 0;
   pointRotation.z = 45;
   nRet = VectorRectangle.SetRotation(&pointRotation);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   //Cannot call LockObject/UnlockObject here, but can still change properties
   //Object type is still a Rectangle
   pszType = VectorRectangle.IsTypeValid() ? 
      TEXT("Valid Type--can call LockObject()/UnlockObject() and SetObjectAttributes() to change object properties") : 
   TEXT("Invalid Type--can call SetObjectAttributes() to change object properties");
   MessageBox(NULL, pszType, TEXT(""), MB_OK);
   //Change color with SetObjectAttributes()
  brush.VectorBrushStyle = VECTORBRUSH_STANDARD;
  brush.BrushType.StandardBrush.LogBrush.lbColor = RGB(128,128,0);
  return SUCCESS;
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