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LEADTOOLS Vector C++ Class Library Help


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#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_VOID LVectorWindow::EndChanging(nChangeType, nChangeCategory, nRetCode)

L_UINT nChangeType;

/* the type of change */

L_UINT nChangeCategory;

/* the change category */

L_INT nRetCode;

/* the function return code */

This function is called by every function that affects the vector.




The type of change that was done to the vector. For a list of all the change types and notifications refer to Bitmap and Vector Change Notifications and Notification Categories.


The change category. For a list of all the change types and notifications refer to Bitmap and Vector Change Notifications and Notification Categories.


The function return code.




This function is called by every function that affects the vector. You can override this function to be notified when the operation has completed changing the vector. This function is called after the changes to the vector have been made. For a list of all the change types and notifications refer to Bitmap and Vector Change Notifications and Notification Categories.

The high level window classes override this function so it will be notified of any changing done to the vector object. This allows these classes to do some special processing, such as updating the display, after the operation has completed.

If you override this function you must do the following:

Do your customer processing, and then call the parent-class implementation for this function to let the parent do default processing for this function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


Bitmap and Vector Change Notifications and Notification Categories, LVectorWindow::StartChanging, Class Members


For an example, refer to LVectorWindow::MsgProcCallBack.

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