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ESRI Shape Format (SHP)

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The LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging Pro toolkit includes everything you need to create powerful 2-D and 3-D viewers, editors, and converters that support SHP along with other vector and raster image formats. This eliminates the need to install or license the original application that created the SHP-formatted vector objects, and allows you to include only the functionality for your specific needs.  

Using Vector Imaging Pro, you can:

The ESRI Shape format is a vector format created by the Environmental System Research Institute. The SHP file can support point, multi-point, polygon, polyline and multi-patches. This file format has a much faster drawing speed and more editing capabilities than other data sources. It is supported by the ARC Explorer 2.0 and ARCView.

This file format contains three files:

Main file: *.shp

Index file: *.shx

DBase file: *.dbf

This file format is not supported in the non-vector toolkits.

The default extension used by this format is: SHP.

This file format does not support layers, grouping objects or embedded raster objects.


File constants associated with this file format are:


Read Support

Write Support





[255] ESRI Shape Environmental System Research Institute.

When SHP files are rasterized, they are 24 BPP.


The following table indicates which objects LEAD can load and which objects it can save:






Not Supported






Not Supported


Required DLL: LFSHP. For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Related Formats: CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile, CMX - Corel Presentation Exchange Format, DGN - Intergraph Format, DRW - Micrografx Designer DRaWing, DWF - DWF Format, DWG - DWG Format, DXF - Drawing Interchange Format, EMF - Windows Metafile Formats, GBR - Gerber Format, PCL - Printer Command Language Format, PCT - Macintosh Pict Format, PLT - PLT / HPGL Format,  SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics Format, VEC - LEADTOOLS Vector Dump Format, VPG - WordPerfect Vector Format, WMF - Windows Metafile Formats, WMZ - Compressed Windows Metafile Format, NAP - North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax (NAPLPS), MIF - MapInfo Interchange File Format, E00 - ArcInfo Interchange File Format

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