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typedef struct tagVECTORCLONE
    L_UINT32 dwFlags;
    VECTORPOINT Rotation;

The VECTORCLONE structure holds information about a vector clone object.




Abstract object.


A VECTORPOINT structure that contains the center of a vector clone object in space.


A VECTORGROUP structure that contains the group this clone will be using.


Flag that indicates how to draw this clone object. Possible values are:






Use the Pen member of this structure to draw the clone. If this flag is not specified, the clone will use the same pen colors and styles as the original objects inside the group.



Use the Brush member of this structure to draw the clone. If this flag is not specified, the clone will use the same brush colors and styles as the original objects inside the group.



Use the Point member as the origin point when performing Scaling and Rotation. If this flag is not specified, the Scaling and Rotation will be performed around the accumulative center of all objects inside the group.



Usually when creating nested VECTORCLONE objects in the vector drawing, you may need to allow the sub clone to maintain its objects colors when its a part of a larger clone which has one or both of the flags VECTOR_CLONE_USE_PEN or VECTOR_CLONE_USE_BRUSH is set. The default behavior is to use the same Pen/Brush of the main clone object to draw the sub clones, use this flag to override this.


VECTORPEN structure that contains information about the pen to use when drawing the vector clone object.


VECTORBRUSH structure that contains information about the brush to use when drawing the vector clone object.


A VECTORPOINT structure that contains the scaling factor to use when drawing this clone object.


A VECTORPOINT structure that contains the rotation values to use when drawing this clone object.


nSize of the Object member must be the sizeof this structure.

nType of the Object member must be VECTOR_CLONE.

When drawing a clone object, the toolkit will first rotate the group around its origin using the values in Rotation, scale it around its origin using the values in Scale and finally translate it to the position specified in Point.

pVECTORCLONE is a pointer to a VECTORCLONE structure.

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