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Show in webframe

   VECTORLINKHANDLING_CURRENTWINDOW = 0, // open in the current window
   VECTORLINKHANDLING_NEWWINDOW // open in a new window


This enumeration determines where to show the target of the hyperlinked vector object.


pVECTORLINKHANDLING is a pointer to a VECTORLINKHANDLING structure. Where the function parameter type is pVECTORLINKHANDLING, you can declare a VECTORLINKHANDLING variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pVECTORLINKHANDLING variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.

The vector toolkit will display the target object in the current window if the type VECTORLINKHANDLING_CURRENTWINDOW is used. Otherwise, it will send an event VECTOR_EVENT_CREATENEWWINDOW to the VECTOREVENTPROC callback function, which should be handled by the user to create a new window and display the required object inside it.

This enumeration is used with the VECTORLINKDESC structure.

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