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typedef struct tagVECTORPIE
   L_DOUBLE Radius;
   L_DOUBLE StartAngle;
   L_DOUBLE SweepAngle;

The VECTORPIE structure holds information about a vector arc object.

The VECTORCHORD structure holds information about a vector chord object.




Abstract object.


A VECTORPOINT structure that contains the vertex of a vector pie object, about which the pie section or chord sweeps.


VECTORPEN structure that contains information about the pen to use when drawing the vector pie or vector chord object.


VECTORBRUSH structure that contains information about the brush to use when drawing the vector pie or vector chord object.


Length of the radius of the vector pie or vector chord object. This value is in logical units.


The angle at which to begin the vector pie or vector chord. Values should be between 0 and 360 degrees. Values less than 0 and greater than 360 will be modified internally.


The angle through which to sweep the vector pie or vector chord. Values should be between 360 and +360 degrees. Positive angles will be drawn in a counter-clockwise direction from StartAngle. Negative angles will be drawn in a clockwise direction.


nSize of the Object member must be the sizeof this structure.

nType of the Object member must be VECTOR_PIE or VECTOR_CHORD.

pVECTORPIE is a pointer to a VECTORPIE structure.

pVECTORCHORD is a pointer to a VECTORCHORD structure.

The diagram below gives a graphical representation of of the Point, Radius, StartAngle and SweepAngle parameters.


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