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AnnObjectChangedType Enumeration

Indicates the type of change to the AnnObject.
public enum AnnObjectChangedType : System.Enum 
Public Enum AnnObjectChangedType 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum AnnObjectChangedType : System.Enum 
 enum LTAnnObjectChangedType
public enum AnnObjectChangedType
Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.AnnObjectChangedType = function() { };
Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.AnnObjectChangedType.prototype = {<br/>
  None = 0x00000000,
	BringToFront = 0x00000001,
	SendToBack = 0x00000002,
	Deleted = 0x00000003,
	Lock = 0x00000004,
	Unlock = 0x00000005,
	Paste = 0x00000006,
	Flip = 0x00000007,
	RealizeRedaction = 0x00000008,
	RestoreRedaction = 0x00000009,
	ApplyEncryptor = 0x0000000A,
	ApplyDecryptor = 0x0000000B,
	Name = 0x0000000C,
	Hyperlink = 0x0000000D,
	Text = 0x0000000E,
	Picture = 0x0000000F,
	Pictures = 0x00000010,
	Ruler = 0x00000011,
	Stroke = 0x00000012,
	Fill = 0x00000013,
	Font = 0x00000014,
	Encrypt = 0x00000015,
	Polygon = 0x00000016,
	Curve = 0x00000017,
	Protractor = 0x00000018,
	RubberStamp = 0x00000019,
	Point = 0x0000001A,
	Audio = 0x0000001B,
	Thumbs = 0x0000001C,
	Hilite = 0x0000001D,
	DesignerDraw = 0x0000001E,
	DesignerEdit = 0x0000001F,
	ResetRotatePoints = 0x00000020,
	Fixed = 0x00000021,
	Added = 0x00000022,
	Modified = 0x00000023,
	Metadata = 0x00000024,
0x00000000NoneNo change.
0x00000001BringToFrontAs a result of either calling the BringToFront method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000002SendToBackAs a result of either calling the AnnAutomation.SendToBack method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000003DeletedAs a result of either calling the DeleteSelectedObjects method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000004LockAs a result of either calling the Lock method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000005UnlockAs a result of either calling the Unlock method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000006Paste Not used.
0x00000007FlipAs a result of either calling the AnnAutomation.Flip method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000008RealizeRedactionAs a result realizing a redaction object.
0x00000009RestoreRedactionAs a result of restoring a redaction object.
0x0000000AApplyEncryptor Not used.
0x0000000BApplyDecryptor Not used.
0x0000000CNameAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsLabels property.
0x0000000DHyperlinkAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsHyperlink property.
0x0000000ETextAs a result of changing an AnnTextObject derived object.
0x0000000FPictureAs a result of changing the Picture property of an annotation object.
0x00000010PicturesNot used
0x00000011RulerAs a result of changing an AnnPolyRulerObject derived object.
0x00000012StrokeAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsStroke property.
0x00000013FillAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsFill property.
0x00000014FontAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsFont property.
0x00000015Encrypt Not used.
0x00000016PolygonAs a result of changing a polygon object.
0x00000017CurveAs a result of changing an AnnCurveObject.
0x00000018ProtractorAs a result of changing an AnnProtractorObject.
0x00000019RubberStampAs a result of changing an AnnRubberStampObject.
0x0000001APointAs a result of changing an AnnPointObject.
0x0000001BAudio Not used.
0x0000001CThumbsAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsPoints.
0x0000001DHiliteAs a result of changing an AnnHiliteObject.
0x0000001EDesignerDrawAs a result of the user interface drawing a new object via the AnnDrawDesigner user interface.
0x0000001FDesignerEditAs a result of the user interface editing an existing object via the AnnEditDesigner user interface.
0x00000020ResetRotatePointsAs a result of resetting the rotate control points of an existing object via the AnnEditDesigner user interface. For more information, refer to Annotation Rotation Options.
0x00000021FixedAs a result of changing fixed state property of an object (FixedStateOperations).
0x00000022Added An object is added.
0x00000023Modified An object is modified.
0x00000024Metadata An object metadata is modified.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Namespace

Error processing SSI file
  Leadtools.Annotations.Automation requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features