| Name | Description |
| GetInfo | Overloaded. Gets information about the specified annotation file. |
| GetInfoAsync | Gets information about the specified annotation file. |
| GetInfoFromString | Gets information about the specified annotation xml data. |
| GetInfoFromXmlDocument | Gets information about the specified XML document. |
| GetInfoFromXmlDocument | Gets information about the specified XML document. |
| Load | Overloaded. Loads an annotation container from the specified file. |
| Load | Overloaded. Loads an annotation container from the specified XML data. |
| Load | Loads an annotation container from the specified XML data. |
| LoadAll | Overloaded. Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multi-page annotation file. |
| LoadAll | Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multi-page annotation file. |
| LoadAllAsync | Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multi-page storage file. |
| LoadAllFromString | Loads an array of annotation containers from the specified xml data. |
| LoadAsync | Loads an annotation container from the specified storage file. |
| LoadFromString | Loads an annotation container from the specified xml data. |
| LoadFromXmlDocument | Loads an annotation container from the specified XML document. |
| LoadFromXmlDocument | Loads an annotation container from the specified XML document. |
| Save | Overloaded. Saves an annotation container to a file. |
| Save | Overloaded. Saves an annotation container to a stream. |
| Save | Saves an annotation container to XML data. |
| SaveAll | Overloaded. Saves an array of annotation containers to a file. |
| SaveAllAsync | Saves an array of annotation containers to a storage file data. |
| SaveAllToString | Saves an array of annotation containers to a string. |
| SaveAsync | Saves an annotation container to a storage file data. |
| SaveLayer | Overloaded. Saves an annotation layer to a stream. |
| SaveLayer | Saves an annotation layer data. |
| SaveLayer | Saves an annotation layer to a writer. |
| SaveLayerAsync | Saves an annotation layer to a storage file data. |
| SaveLayerToString | Saves an annotation layer to a string. |
| SaveToString | Saves an annotation container to a string. |
| SaveToTag | Saves the annotation objects in a container to a TIFF tag. |